Credit:  University of Michigan Health Services

Credit: University of Michigan Health Services

As a masters-level health educator, one of the things that I integrate into my writing, speaking, and coaching is education on the various domains of wellness. In order for us to activate our G.O.D.A.S.S.E.T.S. and enjoy life to the fullest, it’s important that we evaluate our state of wellness at any given time.

“Wellness” mainly brings up thoughts about physical wellness (healthy weight, eating well, exercise, freedom from disease, etc.) and sometimes mental health, but there are other ways of living and being well that contribute to our quality of life. These other areas include creative expression, emotional health, environmental wellness, professional/occupational/career satisfaction, social/relational support and engagement, spiritual strength, and financial peace.

One great thing about well-being is that it does NOT mean perfection! There are no specific achievement goals for the domains, although there may be some generally-accepted standards on which we can all agree. For example, having a strong support system of friends and family is a common social/relational wellness goal, but support needs are different for everyone. There is no single, measurable point where we “arrive” at wellness: instead, we work on different aspects of our wellness at different times, and have different wellness standards and needs throughout our lives.

rememberLike our G.O.D.A.S.S.E.T.S., our standards for wellness are unique to us as individuals at a specific time in our lives. What works well for one of us may not feel like wellness to someone else, and our desires for wellness in one season of our lives might be different in other seasons.

The pursuit of wellness (like our understanding of our G.O.D.A.S.S.E.T.S.) should be purposeful, meaningful, and ongoing. To be well and to stay healthy, we should be working on some aspect of these all the time.

What are you doing right now to consider where you are in your wellness, and where you want to go? I can help! Sign up today, right here, for a no-cost connection coaching session. We will work together in your session to give you ONE, significant action step to improve your satisfaction in one or any of the wellness domains described above.

Stop by the G.O.D.A.S.S.E.T.S. Facebook Page with questions or comments about this post and others. I’ll see you there!

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Coming Up: The word “wellness” makes me think of another word that is connected to our G.O.D.A.S.S.E.T.S.. Tune in to check it out!